Ethereum: Foundry ERC721A NFT MerkleTree Whitelist Mint Test: Prank won’t change the msg.sender? DefaultSender doesn’t change?

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Ethereum: Foundry ERC721A NFT Merkletree Whitelist Mint Test – Prank won’t change msg.sender?

As a solidity developer working on an Ethereum NFT project based, you may have encountered the issue of getting the variable msg.sender 'to work as expected. In this post, we will study the error message that creates problems with your Merkletree Whitelist Mint test.

Error message:


Error (see how the joke “… cb2” does not set Msg.sender?)


At first glance, it looks like a simple typo, but tolerate us, as this problem can be quite disappointing. In solidarity, msg.sender 'is used to determine the address called the function, and is usually mentioned in the interaction between contracts.

The joke:

Unfortunately, the joke you mentioned - using the sixteenth code… cb2to set msg.sender- doesn't really solve the problem. It seems like help to troubleshoot or hacking a solution, not a real solution to your particular problem.

The problem:

When usingmsg.sender ‘in the mint test NFT Whitelting Mint, it is expected to return the address of the current account that initiates the transaction. However, if the code of the joke is executed, msg.sender will probably be celebrated back to0x ...shows that no one has called your contract recently.

This can lead to several problems:

  • Variable msg.sender will never be updated correctly.

  • Other test features or tests may not work as expected as they expect the correct address of the sender.

  • The condition and behavior of your contract can become unstable or unpredictable if it relys on msg.sender.

What to do:

  • Clean your code: Remove any references to hexadecimal codes or aids to correct errors in your contract. This will ensure that your test environment is healthier and less predisposed to mistakes like this.

  • Update msg.sender Correct: Instead of using a hexadecist code, update the variablemsg.sender to indicate the correct address of the sender.

For example:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Contract mynftwhitelist {

mapping (address => bool) public whiteist;

Mintnft feature (address _owner) Public {

// …




In this updated version, we have removed all the references to hexadecimal codes and instead use the correct variable msg.sender.


When working with Ethereum NFT Whitelting Mints based, it is essential to ensure that your code is accurate and reliable. Following the best practices for developing and testing contracts, you can build stable and maintained contracts that meet their purpose.

I hope this article has helped clarify the problem! If you have any further questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask.

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